Suluban Beach


Bali is not only beautiful but Bali is wonderful  land. Bali is the perfect tourist destination for all of the tourist type. The combination between nature and culture, combination among beach and the hill ,Party life and peace life area and . Bali offers all the needs for tourist that is the reason why Bali is always be first destination for all the people around the world. And one of the beautiful  part of Bali the southern part of Bali is Suluban beach. This beach as a must ,that you need to visit.

Here some things that you need to know about Suluban beach.

  • General information about Suluban beach.
  • Entrance fee for suluban beach 
  • Best time to visit 
  • Transportation option 

General information about Suluban beach.

Suluban beach or Uluwatu beach is located at Uluwatu area or 45 minutes from I Gusti Ngurah Rai internasional airport. This beach is famous for its dramatic limestones cliff and the best beach for doing surfing activities.

Entrance fee of suluban beach 

Suluban beach has two access,first access from mamo street ,which you just pay for the parking fee ,however another gate next to Uluwatu temple and the entrance fee is IDR 5 k per person.

Best time to visit suluban beach 

Suluban beach is always busy with the people either they are coming for surfing or just enjoy the beach or bar on the cliff.In general the best time to visit suluban beach is in low season of Bali tourist visiting. And for the daily visit ,you can get best vibes at early morning with sun rice and evening time with the sunset time.

Transportation option 

It is difficult to get any public transportation in Bali. The best options you can pick from the app and website. You can hire private driver with private could be more convenient for your trip to reach the beach ,and somehow you can check or open the link to book local private driver here